Saturday, May 16, 2009
Final Show :)
It was really successful and im really glad i got to participate in this project!
Final Shop show 14th May 2009 + Comments please

Hello! Our final show had over 350 people exploring our Shop, not only family and friends but, the less usual art audience of passers by out shopping in the Whitgift, or going to catch a tram or bus, or those on a lunch break from work. This real engagement with the community was fantastic for our students where the artist in a traditional gallery situation, is absent upon the audience's viewing.
Thanks to all those who popped in and chatted to our Shop-assistant-artist-tour-guides, and the whole Visual Arts and Design department staff and students for making so much creativity out of so little, having real enthusiasm and energy, a great sense of adventure and play to make this event and the past two months residency so unusual and vibrant. This project was set up in echoing contemporary practice where artists are increasingly moving into empty shops in this current financial climate.
We will be posting more about this, including some of the wonderfully supportive comments left in our feedback book in the Shop shortly, we are on a break til 1st June to take a well earned rest....well done everyone!
Meanwhile...we'd love to have your comments on our project so do please read our blog and respond to staff and student posts.
Friday, May 15, 2009
The end show
I haven’t been able to add a blog for a long time because I have been very busy sleeping and stuff... well yeah also art has set loads of unofficial/official to do which is basically finish your zine print 50 pages of it off had print 40 business cards and stuff which was annoying . But yeah I was happy because my zine was the first to sell out. Yeah I have been really tiered for like the last two weeks because mainly staying up late for some reason. I was going to go out today but I couldn't be bothered and it looks like my laziness was a good thing because now it is raining meaning i have avoided getting wet. Also I don't know why people make the analogy that it always rains when they are feeling down instead of thinking that the rain makes people generally feel down. yeah so we had our art show and it went well the only problem was that my piece did not go exactly how I wanted it to I wanted it to be in complete darkness so that people had to explore the room more but dean needed the light for his piece to look good, I think it would have worked if the lanterns had real tea lights in them but I couldn't have them because it was a health hazard. While I was ushering I got one man that take at lest an hour to show around he was really interested in all the art and sometime i just couldn't tell him enough about a particular art piece. by the end of the art show my feet were hurting so bad from all the standing that I did yeah also art strand should have let us have a later start today because the cleaning up was finished really early and I am so tiered now because i couldn't have a lie in. anyway here are some pictures of my art and also basically my collaborator dean. also bellow is a link to a animation which i did as part of my final piece but then thought that it was to short and also there was no projector so i didn't show it. p.s. press play and wait for it to buff then pause and let the loading bar load fully if you want it to play properly.
this is deans piece in the "rat room" and the ones bellow are mine.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The shop is written about in the Croydon Advertiser
by Dave Burke
Shoppers in the Whitgift Centre are in for an unusual sight over the next few weeks, as an art gallery with a difference throws open its doors.
An empty shop has been handed over to pupils from the Brit School, who have been briefed to create an exhibition celebrating Croydon's history.For the whole time that artworks are being created, members of the public will be able to stroll in and see the budding Picassos and Van Goughs at work putting the display together.
Youngsters from the Selhurst school's art department have until May 14 to create their masterpieces.
Explaining the project, deputy head Simon Collins told the Advertiser: "It's very experimental, we've never done anything like this before.
"But this is the Brit School, we're all about doing unusual things.No one's been using this space for a long time, so we're aiming to put some life back into it."
Students on the school's BTEC art course will be swatting up on the history of Croydon, and have been told to use all the space in the former Legends beachwear store - close to the centre's Wellesley Road entrance - including all the changing rooms, the stairs and the counter.
Mr Collins said: "The building's got a lot of character, so it's really exciting. We've been told we can do what we want, as long as we return it in its original state at the end of May."
Nearly 30 pupils will be hard at work filling the space, and as they surveyed the task in hand, their excitement was obvious.
Nicole Bedborough, 16, said: "It's nice working here, it makes a change and it feels like we're being part of the community.When we come to making the final pieces, everyone's going to be on a real high."
Friend Antonia Ramsey, also 16, added: "It will be a lot different to what we're used to doing.
"It's exciting having members of the public coming in while we're working."
Bosses at the shopping centre hope the move will generate some excitement and draw people in.
Whitgift Centre director Andrew Bauer said: "I personally think that this project will fascinate our visitors and provide invaluable feedback to these top flight students, a win/win event for Croydon's residents and visitors."
Link to article:
You are invited to the Shop end of project sharing event: 14th May 2-7pm
Unit 50-51, Whitgift Centre, Croydon, CRO 1UQ
Come and see innovative art installations that range from a homage to Croydon Bomb shelters during the 2nd World War to a reflection of the current financial climate or an insight to the intimate moments of changing in a public changing room.
About the Shop Project: YR 12 Brit Visual Arts & Design students have been based at the Whitgift Centre in an empty shop unit for the last term as an alternative classroom in a form of an artist residency. The students have been required to create a series of site-responsive installations, with an emphasis on being highly resourceful in using low tech media. In order to create these artworks students have explored in a multi-sensory approach not only the aesthetic traces of the occupancy of the shop and wider Croydon but also the cultural, social, political, and historical connections to the site.
Hope to see you there,
Visual Arts & Design Team
Sunday, May 3, 2009
*Typographical Installation*
Using only Cardboard boxes and tape we created an installation in a group using the word 'restore.' I think this refected our feelings about the shop very well as we were restoring the space when creating our artwork. We marked an 'X' on the floor near the entrance, and this was the spot in which the piece would all make sense and fit together. We chose the spot near the door as when people were looking in or just approaching the shop hey would be able to see it. As well as this it gave us the chance to use the whole of the upper area of the shop, which we did do! We cut out the letters out of cardboard boxes and for many of them partially restored them by sticking the letter back in the box. Because we were working in a group all the letters looked unique but fitted well together as we communicated well. The end product blended in to the wooden walls slightly which meant you had to look for it but when you found all the letters you couldnt miss them! I really enjoyed this workshop and think the outcome was a great success :)