This week I have realized that about ½ to 2/3 of Croydon is actually boarded up, because down ever side street you will find that there are shop left right and centre that have been shut down for years. Croydon try’s to fool you into believing it is pristine with it glass building and all the “good” shops but really most of the place is run down I am surprised I only just realised it. Now everything makes sense the reason why Legends was shut down is because it went the way of all the other shops in Croydon that are shut, it’s almost like every few years the whole shopping part is moved leaving behind a trail of there existence. Although there are all these parts of Croydon that are run down there are also good things like they have trams and the centre is very nice. After going out and discovering this (we also made sketches that where used later) we where allowed to draw on the wall this was cool as I always liked the idea of drawing on wall ever since I was like 5 I wanted to get a pen and draw on the wall there’s something quite cave man like to it, so you guys did think about drawing on the wall when you were little didn’t you… no oh I guess that I am just a nut then oh well. So yeah back to drawing on the wall I draw a shop that was boarded up with charcoal and chalk. It was fun.

The next day we where given a bunch of things and we had to create a 3D drawing from an image that we where meant to bring in with us. I was recreating this image bellow.

The materials I used were; silver tape, wood things, wicker wood stuff and wall, I created this with them (bellow)

It looks better in real life. In this room I was basically working alone and it was very quite and a bit boring at times it made me wish that I had an iPod I have been meaning to get one maybe if I use the word iPod enough in this blog apple will give me a free iPod so if you see iPod randomly it is just me trying to get an iPod by advertising the iPod you know because I am cheep and just want to get an iPod but don’t really won’t to get one just in case they come out with the new iPod lick or bitch slap because the touch thing has broken. Yeah that is enough about iPod I think it is safe to say after all that an iPod will be in the post as I speak or type well you know what I mean. So back to the 3D drawing while I was making it a women from outside came in and was talking to me and she said she was proud of what I was creating this made me feel happy. When the piece was shown to the rest of the group people said that they like how I had transformed the room into the drawing and they liked walking in it and exploring.
On Wednesday we were making 3D words that can only be viewed for a certain angle this is sort of like those 4 adverts it the motel and the cliff face, in ours we also used part of the building to form the word and just incase you don’t know what this says it says secret.
On Thursday we were making something called a zine which is meant to be some “cool” word for a free magazine I don’t have any images to show for this as we do all this work on paper and I have not scanned any of it but basically I was just drawing different types of shoppers with pencil.
On Friday me and jack were working together using the projectors, HPO and staff I’m just going to put some of the work and let you think what you like because I am sure you are board of reading all this and as a joke to go out on… Fooled you no there is no joke sorry for getting your hopes up.
soz the date is meant to be 20th monday to the 24th friday