After looking at Corriette Schoenarts and 4Creative, examples of Typographical Installation we were asked to produce our own works within the space with basic materials.

First I created a small scale piece by only using a matchbox, matchsticks and masking tape. I chose to work around the fire alarm as we were using matches. I wanted to use them to create a cage around the alarm like a barrier between danger and escape. On the front of the barrier I wanted to make a warning sign like 'NO NOT TOUCH' but didn’t have enough time or space to do it. I ended up making two sets of tapped together match sticks and form an 'X' by attaching them diagonally to the frame. I think this showed the idea of danger and no entry.

Then I worked in a group to a typographical installation on a larger scale.We decided to do the word 'FLOPS' because we thought it summed up the shop. I was given 'L' which we could create out of cardboard or the existing space (shop interior). I based my construction mainly on Corriette Schoenart’s 'PLAY'. I used the pillar of the shop and tapped up boxes to make an 'L' shape, but compared to everyone elses, it looked shabby and unledgible. They all created their letters out of cardboard boxes that could stand of their own, whereas mine needed to be in that space by the pillar. Well that is what installation is about: making something for that space, but then the word we chose could sum up any part of the shop. I could have rotated my cardboard boxes so that they were vertical, they wouldn’t have needed the pillar to make out it was an 'L' to fit in with the other letters.
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